figths inflation. It all comes down to cost

 As we all know, facts are better than fiction. Yes, oil is a natural resource, and yes it’s finite, so yes, we will run out eventually. Yes, life has become expensive and many of us remember times where gas was 99 cents a gallon, and historically price has never gone down. And the same thing for rent and housing as I am yet to see rent ever going down. So, there you have it, websites like can give you a glimpse of the population, national debt, inflation, but you get it, without the need of graphs or websites to know that cost of living is getting higher and even higher with time.

Now, for all you adventures out there, and those that have limited trust in corporations or government, trust yourself, your instinct and trust technology. Hey, I have plans to get a Tesla eventually, but since the technology is still relatively new, l drive 7 days a week and change my oil once a month, and have only seen Teslas with 150K miles versus Priuses with 400K miles, my next car, thank you to Toyota Motors Corp., will, again be a Prius. Fight inflation, $ave at the pump and keep your hard earned cash, and trust technology that has Prius running for over 25 years. Happy and economic driving.

Image courtesy of Isaac Quesada at

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